TasWater Enterprise Bargaining Update

08 May 2024

Last week we attended bargaining meeting #3 for your new TasWater EBAs, where the change of scope was still the main discussion. The meeting was a mess, filled with vague explanations for TasWater's desire to shift from 4 agreements to 3.

Management tossed around terms like "longevity," "effectiveness," "modernization," and "efficiency" without clarifying how they relate to TasWater. The key for workers is to ask simple questions and demand simple answers. If the response is convoluted, it likely means management either doesn't know or is trying to hide something.

For instance, TasWater cited "longevity" as a reason for the shift, but when pressed for specifics on the threat posed by sticking to 3 regional agreements, they couldn't provide any meaningful explanation.

The lack of a proper consultation timeframe is concerning, with TasWater attempting to rush negotiations and pressure workers. Until the scope is resolved, we cannot finalise your log of claims as it is subject to change dependent upon final agreement on scope. These tactics are preventing us negotiating a fair and reasonable pay rise for you.

TasWater has also hinted they won’t provide backpay to workers if negotiations exceed the current agreement's expiry date—a classic tactic straight from the HR handbook.

The unions at the table are working together as a collective single bargaining unit (SBU). The SBU proposed a conciliation hearing with the Fair Work Commission to address the scope issue, but TasWater's response is pending. Meanwhile, the SBU suggested a 12-month rollover agreement to buy time for resolving the scope issue, but TasWater rejected it.

We’re stronger together. Ask a co-worker to join the ASU to get a better deal on your enterprise agreement. It’s easy to join at https://www.asuvictas.com.au/VICTAS/Join

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Karen Tantari | 0472 512 484 | [email protected]