Buloke Shire Council Enterprise Agreement update

03 July 2024

It has been a long road to get an enterprise agreement at Buloke, after a lengthy period of time we are now down to the final stages. As of yesterday, the union was informed that the draft agreement has been sent to the Council’s lawyers for final drafting and hopefully, we will have that by the end of the week.

Once the ASU and delegates have the final draft, we will be holding members’ meetings to inform members of the contents of the agreement and seek your views.

Council have committed to pay the increase of 5% per annum or $53.00 per week whichever is the greater, backdated to July 2023 prior to the agreement being certified. This will be paid on July 17.

Although this has been a frustratingly long process we are finally near the end, all your hard work and commitment have delivered the best pay outcomes in an enterprise agreement throughout the Victorian local government system and you should be proud of such an achievement.

We look forward to seeing you at meetings soon.

The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at https://www.asuvictas.com.au/VICTAS/Join

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Billy King | [email protected]