Darebin City Council: change to proposed operating model

24 July 2024

On July 16, 2024 Darebin City Council wrote formally to the ASU advising of a proposed change regarding the above.

On July 17, 2024 ASU organiser and delegates attended a regular monthly delegate/P&C catch and raised concerns about the lack of information that had been provided regarding the proposed change and believed that council was in breach of Clause 26 Consultation in the Darebin City Council Enterprise Agreement 2022 – 2025. 

Later that day we wrote to council to formally outline our concerns. 

On July 23, 2024 we again wrote to council to advise the matter is in formal dispute as per Clause 27 Dispute Prevention and Settlement Procedure in the Darebin City Council Enterprise Agreement 2022 – 2025. 

What this means is that the proposed change is on hold until such time the ASU removes the dispute, the dispute is resolved, or all the steps in the dispute clause have been followed which includes going to the Fair Work Commission if needed.

On July, 24, 2024 council responded and provided some information however we will need to review it and make sure all the information requested has been provided.

You can view council’s letter here.

You can view ASU email here.

You can view ASU letter here.

We are here to support members through this process we will provide you with a further update and meeting if necessary, so, please keep a lookout for the next update. 

The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at https://www.asuvictas.com.au/VICTAS/Join

For further information or to become a delegate please contact: 
ASU organiser Emma Bagg | 0499 250 030 | [email protected]