Glenorchy City Council ASU meetings - Egg and Bacon Breakfast

26 July 2024

ASU Tasmanian Coordinator Sam Batchelor and Organiser Lee Archer will be visiting Glenorchy City Council to touch base with both members and non-members.

This will be an opportunity to voice any concerns you may have and to also to join the union if you are not already a member.

DATE: Tuesday 30 July
TIME: 7- 7:45am
VENUE: Works Depot (workers from any location are welcome to join us or drop in– a bacon and egg bbq will be provided)

We will be at the Chambers entry that morning, visiting Landfill later in the morning and Childcare at your next team meeting. However, workers from these locations are welcome to attend the bbq breakfast.

We are also keen to talk to you about a new campaign we’ve launched:

Have you noticed staff shortages or more insecure work at your council? You're not alone.

The latest ASU survey revealed that 80% of councils are experiencing skills shortages, and 54% of workers have seen an increase in insecure forms of employment at their council in the last five years.

You know local government matters. And now the government want to hear about it too. ASU members called for and won a parliamentary inquiry into local government jobs and services, and it’s just kicked off.

So, what can you do to prepare? Follow, the link above to find resources so start taking action in your workplace.

The ASU is by your side. Bring along a co-worker and ask them to join the ASU at

For further information please contact:
ASU Tasmanian Coordinator | [email protected]

And remember, the ASU member contact centre is available during business hours if you need support: 1300 855 570 or [email protected]