Moira Shire Council: does the on-call proposal affect you?

25 July 2024

Following the meeting on Wednesday 24 July to discuss the change proposal for on call the ASU are seeking your feedback.

Your organiser and delegates will put together a formal response to council outlining concerns raised at the meeting as well as from individual feedback received.

Please contact your delegates or organiser Joanne McEvoy with any further feedback you have on this proposal by close of business Wednesday 31 July.

It is vital that your voice is heard throughout this process, otherwise there is a very real risk council will forge ahead with the proposal as it is outlined in the paper. Your union, the ASU, is by your side in ensuring fairness and holding council accountable throughout this process. 

Joanne will also be visiting Yarrawonga Depot on 31 July and if members would like to see a meeting at their depot this can be arranged.

The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at

If you would like further information please contact your ASU organiser Joanne McEvoy [email protected]