Moira Shire Council's inexcusable delay on on-call feedback

26 September 2024

It is disappointing to report that despite the ASU providing your on-call feedback to Moira council on 2 August, they have yet to offer any formal response. This delay raises serious concerns about their competence and respect for their workforce.

Your ASU organiser followed up with council on 24 September and was told they had been waiting for input from the new director. This excuse beggar’s belief. Council released a change statement impacting your working conditions in July and clearly had no issue pushing ahead without waiting for the director’s input then so why are they dragging their feet now when it comes to addressing the concerns raised by their employees?

The council’s inaction is a direct reflection of either complete incompetence or a deliberate disregard for the wellbeing of our members. We will not stand for such disrespect. The ASU is committed to ensuring your voice is heard, and we will continue to pursue a response from council.

Members will be updated once a response is received.

For further information please contact: Your ASU Delegate or
ASU Organiser Joanne McEvoy | [email protected]

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