Northern Grampians EBA update: know the facts

25 July 2024

The ASU and your workplace delegates have been involved in enterprise agreement (EA) negotiations with management at Northern Grampians Shire for several months. 

It has been brought to our attention that management have been holding meetings and advising staff that council has reached agreement the ASU.

This is untrue. 

The truth is there were many points in the EA that were not agreed by the ASU when management recently ended negotiations. 

The ASU did not agree to a pay rise of 3% each year for three years. We strongly believe that members deserve a significant pay increase, and should not fall further behind the cost of living. The most recent pay claim by the ASU and your workplace delegates was 5.5% each year. Management rejected this and ended bargaining. 

Additionally, management at Northern Grampians Shire: 

  • Refused an ASU request to not engage in the use of Labour Hire and Agency. The ASU believes that all work should be secure. 

  • Refused a claim for improved Flexible Work Arrangements 

  • Refused a claim for improved OHS conditions, including the cessation of work for outdoor staff when temperatures reach 36C 

  • Refused additional leave for infectious diseases (including Covid) 

  • Refused to provide additional emergency for natural disasters such as fire and floods 

  • Refused a claim to provide workers with better privacy at work 

  • Refused a claim to make four-day week an option for all staff 

  • Refused a claim for improved annual leave entitlements in the absence of a significant pay offer 

We are concerned that management may try and force a vote on the enterprise agreement in the coming weeks, and all workers need to know the truth: your union has not agreed to this deal, and if management puts the EA out to a vote, it will be up to all workers at Northern Grampians to decide whether you accept the offer or reject it. 

The ASU will be holding meetings to discuss the state of play and get your feedback. Meeting dates and times will be circulated soon. 

In the meantime, we encourage you to reach out to your workplace delegates if you have questions.

 The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at