TasNetworks EA negotiation update

13 May 2024

Bargaining continued for your new EA last week, with TasNetworks responding to some of the three unions’ claims. Whilst some positive outcomes have been achieved in these claims, they do represent small wins, and all of the claims that ASU members said were most important to you remain outstanding with no response provided.

Some of the improvements won last week include:
  • Public Holidays
    Australia Day’s public holiday can now be moved by an individual without restriction, whilst retaining the right to request to move any other holiday with agreement from your Leader.
    We also outlined our concerns about Easter Sunday not being recognised as a Public Holiday and the impact that has on the pay of those on call over the Easter weekend.
  • Emergency Management Leave
    Management has agreed to extend Emergency Management Leave to provide paid leave to volunteers of organisations such as Lions or Rotary when that work is directly related to a declared emergency.
  • Cultural Leave
    Still working through the details here but we’re trying to ensure a separate clause with fit-for-purpose wording.
  • Volunteering Leave
    Our request to increase this to three days of paid leave was approved.
  • Family Violence Leave
    An increase to 20 days of paid leave was approved.
  • Length of the Agreement
    This agreement will be a three-year agreement, as requested.

The IBRs also received a response to their Sporting Leave claim, with management providing two days of paid leave to those representing their state or country in amateur sport.

Don’t let management dazzle you with bright and shiny outcomes though. There is still much work to be done.

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Karen Tantari | 0472 512 484 | [email protected]
ASU Bargaining Representative Aaron De La Torre | 0474 788 162 | [email protected]