Climate action

ASU members organising for climate action

From extreme weather to climate disasters, changing work and cost-shifting by employers, workers are already experiencing the impacts of climate change.

All workers are facing a future with increasing levels of risk due to climate change, both inside and outside the workplace. But by acting collectively, we can win a safer and fairer future.

As an ASU member, you can get involved with our climate action network (CAN) and be skilled up for action with our extreme weather at work training.

Climate Action Network
The climate action network is your place to meet and organise with ASU members across Victoria and Tasmania. The CAN supports you to act in your workplace and links you with ASU members across our diverse industries to run collective campaigns, share knowledge and skills.

Share your perspective and interests in climate action through our ASU Climate Action Network Survey

Dates for 2024:
Wednesday 6 March | 5.30pm | Register here
Wednesday 3 July | 12.30pm | Register here
Wednesday 4 Spetember | 5.30pm | Register here
Wednesday 4 December | 12.30pm | Register here

Extreme weather at work training
Floods, heatwaves and bushfires. Extreme weather caused by climate change is getting worse. All workers and all workplaces can be impacted by extreme weather, so it’s important to know your workplace health and safety rights when it happens.

Did you know employers are responsible for controlling all known workplace risks to workers’ health and safety, including from extreme weather and climate change? Do you feel confident to cease work, on paid time, whenever there is a serious and imminent risk to workplace health and safety?

The extreme weather at work training equips you with the knowledge and tools to get organised with your co-workers for a climate safe workplace.


Buloke Shire Council Enterprise Agreement update

It has been a long road to get an enterprise agreement at Buloke, after a lengthy period of time we are now down to the final stages. 3/07/2024


Swan Hill Rural City Council Member Meetings

ASU Organiser Billy King will be holding paid members meetings for you to discuss any matters you may want to raise as well as a report back on the current Enterprise Agreement negotiations. 3/07/2024


City of Ballarat Art Gallery ASU members win at the Fair Work Commission!

We are thrilled to announce a victory for employees of Ballarat City Council, specifically those working at the Ballarat Art Gallery 2/07/2024