Mental Health

Mental health is “a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises their potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community”  - World Health Organisation

What is mental health?

Just like physical health, mental health is something every person has – and we all experience varying levels of mental health during our lives. Many factors can positively or negatively impact our mental health like our relationships, our life, and our work. But with good mental health supports, people can thrive.

Approximately 1 in 5 working age people in Australia have a diagnosable mental health disorder. But much like physical health, every person will have varying levels of mental health in their lifetime.

A person can have no diagnosed mental health conditions but still have issues with their mental health. A person can have a diagnosed mental health conditions but be mentally well and healthy.

Our mental health is significantly impacted by our work. Work plays a big part of our daily lives. When we work in a mentally healthy workplace, it can give us purpose, a sense of community, and drive us in other aspects of our life. But when our workplace is not mentally healthy, it can cause significant harm to our mental health and wellbeing. It can impact our relationships outside of work and it can harm our physical health as well.

As a union, our focus is on ensuring your work does not harm your mental health and wellbeing. There are many aspects of your work that can cause harm to your psychosocial health. Workers deserve safe and healthy workplaces, both physically and mentally.

It’s time we focus on ensuring the management or design of work does not increase or cause work related stress that can lead to physical or mental injury. Your employer has a duty to ensure a psychosocially safe and healthy workplace for you and your colleagues.


Buloke Shire Council Enterprise Agreement update

It has been a long road to get an enterprise agreement at Buloke, after a lengthy period of time we are now down to the final stages. 3/07/2024


Swan Hill Rural City Council Member Meetings

ASU Organiser Billy King will be holding paid members meetings for you to discuss any matters you may want to raise as well as a report back on the current Enterprise Agreement negotiations. 3/07/2024


City of Ballarat Art Gallery ASU members win at the Fair Work Commission!

We are thrilled to announce a victory for employees of Ballarat City Council, specifically those working at the Ballarat Art Gallery 2/07/2024