HSR training is essential to ensure elected Health and Safety Representatives have the skills and knowledge to effectively represent their co-workers to resolve health and safety issues in the workplace.

Under section 67 (4) (b) the employer is required to pay the costs associated with the HSR’s attendance of the course. Under section 67 (3) (c) of the Occupational Health & Safety Act (2004), the HSR is able to choose in consultation with their employer which WorkSafe approved course they attend. If there is a disagreement on the course attendance, WorkSafe can make a determination.

The ASU is a WorkSafe Approved Training Provider and offers the following HSR Training options:
+ HSR Initial OHS Training Course Section 67 of the OH&S Act 2004 entitles all elected Health & Safety Reps and Deputy Health & Safety Reps to undertake a WorkSafe Victoria-approved 5 Day HSR Initial OHS Training Course and choose their course in consultation with their employer. The ASU is approved by WorkSafe to deliver this important training, either in one full block of 5 days or splitting the 5 days into two multi-day sessions, if preferred.

Participants must attend all 5 days to receive a certificate of attendance. In the case of non-attendance due to illness, participants may reschedule to a later course. Participants will be given an opportunity to attend a make-up session for any days missed. The course must be completed within 6 months of commencement.

ASU’s WorkSafe-approved training course will help HSRs and Deputy HSRs understand and exercise their powers effectively. This training equips HSRs with the confidence, skills and knowledge to represent their designated work group and to help make their workplace safer.

HSRs and DHSRs will leave the training course with an understanding of the objectives of the OHS Act 2004 and their role under the Act, including:
  • Interpreting the OHS legislation framework and its relationship to the HSR
  • Identifying key parties and their legislative obligations and duties
  • Establishing representation in the workplace
  • Participating in consultation and issue resolution
  • Representing DWG members in any OHS risk management process undertaken by the appropriate duty holder/s
  • Issuing a PIN and directing the cessation of work.
Course hours: 9am – 5pm
Course length: 5 days
Course fee: $950 plus GST
+ HSR Refresher Training Under the OHS Act 2004 (Section 67), all elected HSRs and Deputy HSRs, after completing a 5 Day HSR Initial OHS Training Course, have an entitlement for each year they hold office to attend a WorkSafe Victoria-approved 1 Day HSR Refresher OHS Training Course at least once in each year. An employer, if requested, must allow the HSR/DHSR to attend on paid time, pay the cost of the course and any other associated costs. Section 67 also allows HSRs and DHSRs to choose the course, in consultation with their employer.

ASU offers an interactive training course approved by WorkSafe including relevant case studies and activities. The ASU HSR Refresher. training provides participants with an opportunity to revisit aspects of the HSR Initial OHS Training Course, share experiences with other HSRs and continue to build their confidence in the role.

The ASU HSR Refresher OHS Training Course covers:
  • legislative update on the Victorian OHS 2004 Act, OHS Regulations 2017, WorkSafe compliance codes and guides
  • consultation, communication and problem-solving
  • hazard identification and control
Course hours: 9am – 5pm
Course length: 1 day
Course fee: $350 plus GST

For more information please contact our training team at [email protected]


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2024 Course Dates

HSR Initial OHS Training Course
March 18 – 22
June 11 – 13 (Part A)
July 2 – 3 (Part B)
September 2 – 6
November 12 – 14 (Part A)
December 3 – 4 (Part B)

HSR Refresher OHS Training Course
January 17
March 12
June 25
October 24

Book your spot now

Together, we can improve things for all of us. Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of that?
Darren Cunningham, ASU delegate

Climate action

ASU members organising for climate action. From extreme weather to climate disasters, changing work and cost-shifting by employers, workers are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Psychosocial hazards are any factors at work that inc 1/03/2023